Proofreading and Copy Editing
1. Email us your document as a Microsoft® Word attachment (.doc or .docx). Please indicate the turn-around time required, as that will affect the quote. If the job is extremely time-critical, you should probably call too. Contact us.
2. After examining the work, we will send you a firm quote.
3. If the quote is satisfactory, return to this page and fill out the order form, below, including the payment details. All payments are handled through even the credit card payments
4. We will then do the proofreading or editing and we will return the revised document to you.
Website Review
To order a website review, send us an email. If your website is already live, just tell us the URL. If your website is still under development, you can send us the URL of your testing site or even your design documents. A site map will be useful to make sure no pages are missed. We will estimate the number of hours required to proofread and review the site. On approval of our estimate, we will perform the work and supply you with a detailed report on proofreading errors and suggestions for improvement in the user interface design.
Let’s talk! Please contact us.
Technical Writing
We can provide technical writing services at an hourly rate on virtually any topic. We can interview your subject matter experts and write end-user documentation, online Help, technical manuals, or marketing material.
To order technical writing services, we should talk. Please contact us for an estimate.
Please fill in the form below and click the PayPal “Buy Now” button. You will then be asked for the quoted price.
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